Retro Book Review: The Name of the Wind

Retro Book Review: The Name of the Wind

Paperback: 672 pages Publisher: DAW ISBN-10: 0756405890 ISBN-13: 978-0756405892 Synopsis: I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled [...]

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Book Review: Antiquitas Lost: The Last of the Shamalans

Book Review: Antiquitas Lost: The Last of the Shamalans

  Paperback: 624 pages Publisher: Medlock Publishing Language: English ISBN-10: 061546047X ISBN-13: 978-0615460475 Synopsis: From American cardiologist Robert Louis Smith comes the unique fantasy novel Antiquitas Lost, peppered with more than 70 eye-popping illustrations by Marvel Comics legend Geof Isherwood. This epic fantasy tells the story of [...]

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Book Review: Queen of Kings

Book Review: Queen of Kings

Hardcover: 416 pages Publisher: Dutton Adult Language: English ISBN-10: 0525952179 ISBN-13: 978-0525952176 Synopsis: Once there was a queen of Egypt…a queen who became through magic something else… The year is 30 BC. Octavian Caesar and his massed legions are poised to enter Alexandria. A messenger [...]

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