Warner Bros. Building A ‘Lego’ Movie

Warner Bros. Building A ‘Lego’ Movie

Movies based on toys couldn't be hotter in Hollywood, with nearly every studio adapting playthings for the bigscreen. Now count Warner Bros. as one of those studios: WB is toying with plans to develop a movie around Lego and its popular [...]

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DC Comics Gets Hyperactive In Hollywood

DC Comics Gets Hyperactive In Hollywood

A year after "The Dark Knight" became a worldwide phenomenon, there are more DC Comics adaptations in the works than at any other point since the company was acquired by Warner Bros. in 1969. Among the projects on front burners: "The Losers," [...]

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Superman’s Contract Has Expired

Sure, when Superman eventually returns to theaters, you'll "believe a man can fly" yet again - but that man might not be actor Brandon Routh. While the former Man of Steel would certainly love a chance to don the blue-and-red uniform, [...]

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