NEW Poster for the Sci-Fi Thriller THE DARKEST HOUR

NEW Poster for the Sci-Fi Thriller THE DARKEST HOUR

Just over a week ago, we brought you two new international posters for the Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted, Nightwatch) produced, Chris Gorak (Minority Report) directed Sci-Fi film, The Darkest Hour. Now, Summit Entertainment has released a new domestic poster for the film... [...]

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NEW International Posters for THE DARKEST HOUR

NEW International Posters for THE DARKEST HOUR

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?, no. Вы говорите русский язык?, no. That's ok, you don't have to speak the languages to enjoy the German and Russian posters for the Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted, Nightwatch) produced, Chris Gorak (Minority Report) directed Sci-Fi film, The Darkest [...]

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