

Walt Disney Pictures as released the new trailer for the upcoming Joseph Kosinski directed TRON LEGACY, which stars Garrett Hedlund (Eragon), Olivia Wilde (House), Jeff Bridges (Iron Man), Karl Urban (Star Trek), Bruce Boxleitner (Babylon 5), Beau Garrett (Fantastic 4: [...]

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TRON LEGACY: The Next New Image

TRON LEGACY: The Next New Image

We told you that Disney was releasing new images from TRON LEGACY up until the trailer hits theaters on Friday. We showed you the first one already, which featured Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) on a motorcycle, cruising down the street [...]

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TRON LEGACY: Trailer Shown At IMAX Event

TRON LEGACY: Trailer Shown At IMAX Event

The TRON LEGACY IMAX "limited event" was held this weekend, it was the reward for fans who solved the alternate reality scavenger hunt at FlynnLives.com.  The "event" was the showing of a two and a half minute trailer, and those [...]

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TRON LEGACY Viral Marketing Gets Binary

TRON LEGACY Viral Marketing Gets Binary

Yesterday morning a few people received packages from the Flynn Lives campaign for TRON LEGACY. Inside is an object (below) that you're likely familiar with if you've seen the original TRON, it's BIT! The box also contained a note which [...]

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