
Feige Talks MARVEL Films And Confirms HULK Appearance In The AVENGERS

SFX magazine recently interviewed Kevin Feige, President of Production for Marvel Studios. They asked him about what things we can expect from the upcoming Marvel movies. With Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America  rolling toward theaters first and then culminating with The Avengers in 2012. Most of Feige said is the standard responses we all expect –  but some of it was a bit surprising – including one big, green sucker punch!

Comic book readers are no strangers to crossovers, but how will it all come together on the Marvel big screen?

Feige says,

“I get to cheat! Because its been done before in comics. We might be changing how the dots connect a little bit, but its that experience of reading comics that we’re trying to bring to the movies, for people that have never even opened a comic book before. I’ve said a million times that the best part of reading a comic is that any character can pop into another characters story. That wasn’t possible on-screen until Iron Man.”

Feige then explained how the new characters will be intelligently brought into the mix…

“It’s fun now, and we’re introducing some new characters in [‘Iron Man 2′], But it’s not about just cramming in lots of new people; that’s sort of the cardinal sin of the sequel – adding in too many characters. This is totally Tony Stark’s story. And that’s gonna weave into Thor’s story, and Steve Rogers’ story, and it’s already ingrained with Nick Fury’s story and an organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“My only concern is that when we launch a franchise.. whichever characters franchise that may be, it should stand on its own two feet. With Iron Man being the first one out of the gate, thank goodness that’s what happened. Everyone loved it. Its our job to do the same with Thor and Captain America two years from now, so by the time The Avengers comes in 2012 its not just a team super hero movie with a bunch of characters with powers, its three people, four including Hulk, five including Nick Fury-who you have seen before in other movies, coming together for the very first time.”

Did you catch that? Feige basically verified that Hulk will be in the ‘Avengers’.

Feige was asked it will be difficult to meld the fantasy of Thor with the high-tech science fiction in Iron Man and The Avengers.

“No, I dont think it will be difficult because that’s what Thor is. We’re doing the Stan Lee/Jack Kirby/Walt Simonson/J Michael Straczynski Thor. We’re not doing the blow the dust of the old Norse book in your library Thor and in the Thor of the Marvel universe there’s a race called The Asgardians, and we’re linked through this tree of life that we’re unaware of. Its real science, but we don’t know about it yet. The Thor movie is about teaching people that.”

[Source] SFX

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®