
Deja Vu: Now Jeremy Renner May Actually Play HAWKEYE In The Avengers

Way back in November of 2009, we brought you a report about Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker) having discussions with Marvel Studios to play Clint Barton, a.k.a. Hawkeye and that he would possibly appear in The Avengers and have a cameo in Kenneth Branagh’s Thor.

The very next month, Renner was interviewed and said that

That was just one of those things that got blown way out of proportion. It was an idea. There’s truth that we talked about it, but there’s no truth to me doing it.” After which, the subject was dropped and the world moved on.

Now, Harry at AICN is reporting,

Heard today from a first time source with a very interesting connection to all of this that Jeremy Renner just finished signing on, rumors heard before were “talks”.

He did caution,

Take the story with a grain of salt, there is a possibility for misunderstanding, given how I did hear this. BUT – the story goes that the reason this has happened at this point is… there’s a chance at a cameo in some Marvel flick that is shooting now, but again – that is speculative.

The cameo in a Marvel Studios flick that is shooting now, definitely lines up with the previous reports of Hawkeye having a cameo in Kenneth Branagh’s Thor before appearing in The Avengers, so we’ll just have to wait and see… perhaps there will be an announcement at Comic-Con.

…Stay tuned!

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®