
Are You An Illustrator? Mark Millar Might Want To Work With You

Writer, Mark Millar (The Authority, The Ultimates, Wanted, Superman: Red Son) is seeking an artistic collaborator to work on his next creator-owned project. The Kick-Ass writer is seeking a budding illustrator who has yet to work for a major publishing house, such as Marvel or DC.

Millar wrote on his message board,

“I’m looking for someone who hasn’t appeared at either Marvel or DC before. The more unusual the better in the sense that I want something a little different here”

“If you’re anime, painterly, non-sequential, cartoony or just a traditional superhero artist please post a sample below. Fame and fortune awaits.”

Miller previously announced that he is to collaborate with web cartoonist Curtis Tiegs in the future, and is seeking a similar unknown for the project in question. Aspiring artists who want to apply for the position are encouraged to post a three-page sample of their work on the writer’s MillarWorld blog.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®