Zak Penn is no stranger to superheroes. As the co-creator of Syfy‘s Alphas, scripter of X-Men: The Last Stand (we won’t hold that one against him), and a writing credit for this summer’s Avengers he’s fairly comfortable with adapting comic book paradigms for other mediums. But how will his ideas fair in the panel?
Deadline reports that Penn will launch into his first foray into comics under Avatar Press this July with Hero Worship, a six issue arc that follows superhero Zenith, an indestructible do-gooder with an overzealous fan club that often put themselves into danger just to catch a glimpse of their idol. One fan’s obsession eventually leads to the development of superpowers. Hero Worship will be co-written by Scott Murphy (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) with art by Michael DiPascale (Lady Death).
July’s not too far away, but to tantalize your brain meats here’s a pretty bad ass look at the cover of issue #1!