With Carlton Cuse Involved, THE BATES MOTEL Series is Now Guaranteed to Be Awesome

YES, LOSTIES, IT’S TRUE! IT’S CARLTON! OUR CARLTON! And here was, trying to trick us into thinking he was going to be doing some Civil War thing. NAHHHHHH. For non-Lost-fans, Carlton Cuse was one half of the showrunning team, along with Damon Lindelof, lovingly referred to jointly as Darlton, who guided the antics of those wacky kids on The Island.

As we told you back in January, A&E is planning the Psycho prequel to center around Norman Bates from his childhood through his teen years, and the horrible treatment he receives from his mother Norma and her lover. Which is meant to explain a lot.

THR broke the news, saying that Cuse would executive produce and oversee the writing and production of the “six-episode event” that would hopefully lead to additional seasons “if the show is picked up to series.” All right, Powers That Be at A&E, let’s make this happen! You know you’ve got the Lostie vote!

Here’s what Damon Lindelof had to say about it:

Damon LindelofDamon Lindelof ‏ Congrats to @CarltonCuse for taking over the management of Bates Motel. Can’t wait. No more daddy issues, Mother!

We will absolutely keep you posted.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com