WAREHOUSE 13: Lindsay Wagner Uses Chi To Heal, Reveals Clues On Regents

How awesome is it to have Lindsay Wagner, the Bionic Woman herself, guest starring on a great summer show like SyFy’s Warehouse 13? SciFi Mafia along with several other online media outlets, had the wonderful opportunity to chat with Wagner about her role as Dr. Vanessa Calder, the Warehouse’s in-house doc “who is responsible for treating the investigative team as well as the super secret governing body known as The Regents.”

What kind of a doctor is Dr. Calder? What can she reveal about the Regents? Don’t worry, I was sure to pose the question about anything she could reveal about the Regents! Check out what she had to say with these excerpts of the Q&A.

In response to a question by Rick Seaton from TheDeadbolt.com, Wagner talks about her character:

Lindsay Wagner:  … Dr. Calder is being based around what’s happening today and what is generally referred to as the Energy Psychology or the Energy Medicine – I should say Energy Medicine field. It’s working with the energy system directly to heal the physical instead of focusing so much on trying to fix the physical only.

It’s becoming more and more clear to not only people who have been talking about this for years with the necessary engagement of body, mind, and sprit to heal – or some people would refer to the spirit part as the energy of the human body to heal anything, physical or emotional. And to truly heal it. I mean, we can shift it and change it by way of – we can shift and change a demonstration by way physical intervention, but if there is not some kind of a shift on the energetic field and the physiological views of the person, either about themselves or the outside world, then either that will come back – that condition will come back or it won’t be a complete healing and something else will manifest as disease, or some problem with the body.

So, that’s the type of doctor that Dr. Calder is, as well as being fully trained in doing what’s necessary on the physical. But, she would always start working with the least invasive processes first, if it was appropriate.

Wagner’s real life in holistic healing was incorporated into her role. Jamie Steinberg from Starry Constellation Magazine posed a question about her most memorable moment on Warehouse 13.

Lindsay Wagner:  Well, I think what tickled me the most right off the bat was when I got to the set – sorry, when I got to Canada and got my rewrites for the next day. They’d rewritten a little bit of my script – of the script. And, the writer had gone on to my Web site from my workshops at lindsaywagnerinternational.com – had gone onto my Web sites and looked at the kind of work that I was doing, and he pulled from one of the techniques that I teach. He pulled that and put that into Dr. Calder’s treatment on her first appearance, and then allowed me to elaborate on it to kind of get it more specific and correct as far as you know, how to do it.

It’s very subtle you know what we’re doing. It’s just part of what I do when I’m talking to the character and treating them. But, it was really impressive to me that they took the time and effort to want to put something new into it, and something that was really directly related to the work that I’m doing. That just was really impressive to me.

[More after the jump]

[Above: Lindsay Wagner]

Now, you know how much I want to get to the bottom of who exactly the Regents are. So, of course, I tried to get more clues out of Wagner!

SciFi Mafia:          You were describing your character as the in-house doctor for the Warehouse 13, as a doctor who heals with the natural energy field of the human body. Is that akin to the Chinese concept of Chi? And, what does that tell us about the mysterious regents around the Warehouse?

Lindsay Wagner:  Yes, of course it’s working with the Chi. It’s working with the life force. The life force knows exactly what it takes to keep any particular living organism – any organism alive. Anything in manifestation for that matter. Even a rock is a manifestation of some sort, and you know in physics and quantum physics, they know a rock is not even – not dead. It’s a very slow moving energy form compared to a human being or an animal or a plant.

But so, one of the techniques that I teach in my workshops is based on acupuncture, and it is in fact what I do in the show at this – you know, the technique that I’ve used thus far in the show.

And of course, that is based on the meridians – the electrical meridian system of the body and how the Chi flows. And, keeping it flowing freely, therein the body demonstrating its intended expression, which is a human being in a healthy state.

Releasing the blockages in the energy field so that the Chi can continue to flow properly and be accessed properly to increase it if one was to want to do that, or direct it in a certain way are the techniques that I use, or that I’m using in the Warehouse.

And the regents – obviously, if they understand that there is power in the universe that can be captured, utilized, and – it’s the whole premise of the show. That we need to be careful with that, because we think we’re very advanced as a species, but if you look at what we do with – unwittingly as well as intentionally sometimes with power, it’s kind of like how evolved are we really? Sometimes when you look around…

So, I think that it says volumes about their understanding of – that the power of the universe can be harnessed certain ways in certain things, and certainly in people and through people.

But, I think that they also – through some of the stories that I’ve seen – I haven’t seen all the episodes, but with some of them, they’re starting to show the interconnectedness between the human expression – the human being – the human body and the powers and what – the interfacing, if you will. I don’t know if that answers your question, but…

SFM: That is very interesting! Thank you.

And, my follow-up question is that when we had spoken with Allison Scagliotti last week and she indicated that she worked with you on your second appearance on Warehouse 13. What happens in the second episode that would warrant a second doctor’s visit? Did Claudia break something? (Or someone?)

Lindsay Wagner:  Now, if – you know. If you’ve interviewed some people from Syfy before, there’s just things they won’t let us talk about. And, I can’t really talk about that.

SFM: Okay.

Lindsay Wagner:  Fortunately, they just like to keep it a surprise you know. Because the show is you know, one surprise after another usually. And so to talk about it in advance would take some of the fun out of the thing. Claudia was there. I will tell you I wasn’t working on her, but I can’t say who I was working on.

Until they want. But, it’s really a cool twist. It’s really a fun – you’ll like it. It’s really great.

SFM: Awesome!

Lindsay Wagner:  And, what her involvement was in that.

SFM:                     Well now, you’ve got our interest peaked even more, so thank you very much, Lindsay.

It sounds like Wagner might have an open recurring role, doesn’t it? Ken Gold from Media Boulevard asks if she will be a recurring character:

Lindsay Wagner:  There have been no real long-term conversations, but I have done a second episode now, and that’ll be on towards the end of the season.

Promo for Wagner’s guest role on Warehouse 13:

See Wagner’s first of two appearances on the show tomorrow in “For the Team” (Season 2, Ep 7) on Syfy on August 17 at 6:00pm (PST) / 9:00pm (EST).

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!