
TV Spot, Clips and More For Tonight’s SLEEPY HOLLOW

sleepy hollow logo wide

So they’ve captured the Headless Horseman! They’ve captured Death! Now what? Looks like we’ll be finding out on tonight’s new Sleepy Hollow. It’ll be interesting to see if he ends up being one of those villains who always gets away somehow, or if they’ll actually neutralize him and continue on with the other riders to come.

To get a head start – sorry, it was irresistible – we have a TV spot and some clips from tonight’s new episode, along with a “making of” featurette about last week’s episode, and a nice featurette from “Corbin’s Notebook” – remember Sheriff Corbin, the one who had been doing all the research about the strange goings-on in Sleepy Hollow, before he got his head chopped off? This one is about the Masons.

Featurette: Sleepy Hollow – Behind the Scenes: Midnight Ride

Featurette: Sleepy Hollow – The Corbin Files: The Masons

By the way, in case you hadn’t picked up on this bit of trivia, when they refer to the Masons’ symbol as a compass and a square, the “square” they mean is the tool, not the shape.

TV Spot: Sleepy Hollow – Necromancer

Apologies in advance, there’s no way to know for certain the broadcast order of these clips. We shall see tonight!

Clip: Sleepy Hollow – Necromancer: How to Interrogate Headless

Clip: Sleepy Hollow – Necromancer: Katrina’s Necklace

Clip: Sleepy Hollow – Necromancer: Katrina’s Conundrum

Clip: Sleepy Hollow – Necromancer: Captive Headless

Sleepy Hollow, starring Tom MisonNicole BeharieOrlando Jones, and John Noble, airs Mondays at 9/8c on Fox.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com