Toy Fair 2010: Kick-Ass, Predator, and Jonah Hex Figures

As far as figurines from upcoming movies go, this year’s Toy Fair gives us spectacular new figures from “Kick Ass”, “Predator” and “Jonah Hex”. Mezco and NECA has outdone themselves with these!  Check out these images of these lines from Toy Fair 2010.

These two “Kick Ass” figures are part of the merchandizing from Mezco Toyz which will release action figures in three variations- a deluxe twelve inch tall version, a seven inch version complete with battle damage and blood, and a Mez-it vinyl doll line. These pics are of the deluxe version of Kick Ass and Hit Girl as played by Aaron Johnson and Chloe Moretz respectively. The detail on the faces is dead on! (Click above thumbnails to embiggen.)

Fans of the original “Predator” movie will be excited about this- NECA has come out with this figure based on the Original Predator and the Elder Predator from Predator 2. This Original Predator comes with three different heads- unmasked open mouth, unmasked closed mouth, and masked. These Predators also be articulated with ball-jointed neck, shoulders, elbows, ankles, knees, and swivel thighs. No word on when these figures will be available. (Click above thumbnails to embiggen.)

For “Jonah Hex”, NECA has replicated the characters per the movie, resembling Josh Brolin, Megan Fox, and John Malkovich. The figure for Malkovich’s character, Quentin Turnbull is an extra goodie since this is one of the first good looks we’re getting of this character. These three figures are fully pose-able and will be out in June with the release of the movie. (Click above thumbnails to embiggen.)

[Source] UGO, Mania, PredatorStuff, MTV

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!