TORCHWOOD Spoiler: You Never Thought Captain Jack Harkness Would Do This

Russell T. Davies is pulling another masterful plot twist on Torchwood. On the upcoming latest installment of the Torchwood saga, Miracle Day, Davies is making Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) do something the character hasn’t done in many, many years. Jack will be mortal!

Why is this happening to Jack when the rest of the world cannot die? Davies explained:

“The greatest thing you can do is offer a new look into the character. It’s not fundamentally altering the character, it’s fundamentally altering the rules [while] the character stays the same.

Well he’s literally, physically different. He’s mortal. Everyone else is immortal, he’s mortal. It’s the biggest switch in the show, which we did in order to give us new insights into Jack …I [there can be] a great passivity and inertia when it comes to characters on shows that are successful — they keep coming back and they keep being the same. I’d much rather change them.”

Davies did confirm that the reason behind this change is integrally connected to this ‘miracle’ experienced by the rest of the world.

But Whovians, Jack cannot really die, can he? The Doctor crosses paths with him again many, millennia into the future, right? Davies added:

“And it’s very hard to prove he’s mortal without killing him, so that’s going to be interesting.”

Torchwood: Miracle Day, a ten-part series, premieres on Starz and BBC One this July.

[Source] AOLTV

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!