The Long Khan

Could it – could it BE?! YES! You have now been given a “legitimate” reason to do your best reactive angst-ridden William Shatner “KHAAAAAAN!” You know, from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. In support of their release of The Captains, that William Shatner documentary we told you about recently, EPIX is hoping to create the longest “KHAAAAAN!” in history.

From the site:

Mission objective: Create Longest Khan in the History of Mankind.
Record yourself screaming “Khaaan”!” for seven seconds using a video recording device and upload it. Then your “Khan” will be added to the longest Khan in the world.

It. Is. Hilarious. They’ve already started posting them, so check it out. Then upload yours. You know you want to. Get started by clicking here. Read our post about The Captains, EPIX, and “Shatnerpalooza” here.

You now have your orders. In the English words of a French Starfleet captain, “Make it so.”

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for