The Evil Dead Remake’s Jane Levy Always Wanted to Play a Psychopath

Last month, we updated you on the final casting announcements rounding out the cast of Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead remake with the additions of Jessica Lucas (Melrose Place, Cloverfield) and Elizabeth Blackmore (Legend of the Seeker.) How do you prepare for a role in this legendary franchise? Star Jane Levy has always wanted to play a psychopath!

Jane Levy (Suburgatory, Fun Size) who stars in this remake by Sony Pictures, Filmdistrict and Ghost House Pictures talked to the Marin Independent Journal about her role while filming in New Zealand. Levy plays Mia, the twenty-something addict that this group of friends take to a cabin in the boonies for a drug intervention and revealed an interesting desire:

“For a while, whenever I was asked what my dream role would be, my answer was always to play a killer or a psychopath.
I get to do that in this movie, although I’ll be possessed while I destroy my victims. So basically, it’s a perfect job.”

When asked how she goes from starring in a comedy, Suburgatory, to The Evil Dead, Levy wanted to demonstrate her range:

“I really wanted to work on Evil Dead because of how different it is from Suburgatory. I guess that’s my main goal in this industry, to work on different stuff and to play a wide range of characters. That process of creating a new person is so fun for me. I love the initial makeup/hair tests before the start of a new job; I’m always campaigning for a new hair color or length, anything to look as different as possible.
This role also intrigued me because of how much I will learn, mostly technical stuff like special effects. That’s fascinating to me. I had to get my body “casted” for this role so they can make me prosthetics. That process entailed getting your whole body covered in green goo, like the stuff they put in your mouth for a tooth casting, and then being papier-mâchéd. It was the coolest thing ever.”

Hopefully, we’ll see set images of said prosthetics soon!


“Five twenty-something friends become holed up in a remote cabin where they discover a Book Of The Dead and unwittingly summon up dormant demons living in the nearby woods, which possess the youngsters in succession until only one is left intact to fight for survival.”

The Evil Dead is slated to hit theaters on April 12th, 2013.

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!