We're just a few hours away from what is sure to be an explosive season finale for Revolution, or as Billy Burke calls it, "brilliantly implosive". How intriguing. Burke, who plays Miles Matheson on the NBC show, spoke with the [...]
Read morePrep for Tonight’s REVOLUTION Season Finale With Clips, Featurette, and TV Spot
Revolution has been building towards this season finale for the entire, much improved second half of the season, and hopefully you've been following along. According to the "Revolution Revealed" featurette below, we have quite a bit to look forward to, [...]
Read moreFeaturette and More Give Hints of What’s Coming for REVOLUTION
And the Revolution developments keep coming, setting us up with a few interesting questions. Will Monroe's unfortunate decision haunt him, or will his paranoia continue? Will Rachel's newly revealed drive (and her newly revealed technology) be what gets her and Aaron [...]
Read moreREVOLUTION Revealed and More in Featurette, Clips and TV Spot
Quite the nice new plot point added in at the end of last week's episode of Revolution, eh? And quite the reaction by Miles to a certain itchy trigger finger. We don't have too many more episodes this season; gee, [...]
Read moreFeaturette and More Reveal the REVOLUTION That is Coming
Revolution has been, literally and figuratively, explosive since its return from midseason hiatus. The writers have had a deft hand in combining answers with new questions in a way that is somehow not frustrating, but just invigorating. If you haven't [...]
Read moreUpdate on NBC’s REVOLUTION Schedule, Plus Refresher Clip and More
As you may recall, last week's planned airing of a new episode of Revolution was pre-empted by NBC news special coverage of the Boston bombing. At that time, we weren't sure if they would double up on episodes so that [...]
Read moreProgramming Update – REVOLUTION Pre-empted
Revolution fans, please note that NBC will be airing a news special about the Boston incident at 10/9c tonight, pre-empting the originally-scheduled new episode of Revolution. If the pre-empted episode is moved to any date other than next Monday, we'll [...]
Read moreFeaturette, Clip, and TV Spot Reveal REVOLUTION Past and Future
I hope you're not one of those people who watched the first half of the first season of Revolution and never came back, because it has REALLY picked up. Answers and action abound! If you don't have time to watch [...]
Read moreClip, Featurette and TV Spot Prep Us for Tonight’s New REVOLUTION
It has been great to see Revolution evolve into what it is now, a fast-paced mystery-adventure, and it's been especially gratifying to be given massive answers in the first two episodes since its midseason return. Last week we learned who [...]
Read moreWonderCon Trailer and More Prepare for Tonight’s New REVOLUTION
Last week's midseason premiere of Revolution really turned up the action, tension, explosions, and badassery. What a difference some power can make. Revolution was at WonderCon last weekend and had a terrific trailer for the rest of the season, which [...]
Read moreFinal REVOLUTION: ENEMIES OF THE STATE Webisode Ties it All Together
Oh, I see what they did there. The five-part web series posted by NBC in support of its midseason premiere of Revolution concludes with this final installment, which as you will see does a nice job of tying the whole [...]
Read moreGet a Head Start on Tonight’s Explosive REVOLUTION Return With the First Eight Minutes
If you have heard about this J.J. Abrams show Revolution on NBC but have never given it a try, now's the time because tonight is the midseason premiere, and it's a good one. You'll just need to know a couple [...]
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