Newly Released Clips from G.I. JOE RETALIATION

Newly Released Clips from G.I. JOE RETALIATION

Nothing says ACTION with a side of BOOM like Dwanye "The Rock" Johnson (Roadblock), Bruce Willis (Joe Colton), and Channing Tatum (Captain Duke Hauser) suiting up to save us from our own government gone haywire, in the movie G.I. Joe Retaliation. [...]

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Bad Guy Debates 2012: Part 3

If you're as exhausted as I am with all of the political slap-fighting that's been going on for the past several weeks, then I suggest you take a gander at the video below; it's both hilarious and allegorical. It features [...]

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Bad Guy Debates 2012: Part 4

If you're as exhausted as I am with all of the political slap-fighting that's been going on for the past several weeks, then I suggest you take a gander at the video below; it's both hilarious and allegorical. It features [...]

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Bad Guy Debates 2012: Part 2

If you're as exhausted as I am with all of the political slap-fighting that's been going on for the past several weeks, then I suggest you take a gander at the video below; it's both hilarious and allegorical. It features [...]

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Bad Guy Debates 2012

Bad Guy Debates 2012

If you're as exhausted as I am with all of the political slap-fighting that's been going on for the past several weeks, then I suggest you take a gander at the video below; it's both hilarious and allegorical. It features [...]

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