Genre: Animated | Sci-Fi | Action Director: Sebastian Montes, Vinton Heuck Writers: Christopher Yost, Brandon Auman, Michael Ryan, Kevin Burke, Chris Wyatt, Paul Giacoppo, Joshua Fine Cast: Eric Loomis, Rick Wasserman, Colleen O’Shaugnessey, Wally Wingert, Brian Bloom, Fred Tatasciore MPAA Rating: G Runtime: Vol. 1 - 161 min | [...]
Read moreNew Box Art for The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes DVDs
Earlier this month, we brought you details on the forthcoming release of the Marvel Animation series, The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on DVD. The first 13 episodes are slated to hit DVD on April 26th and comes jam packed with [...]
Read moreThe Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes To Assemble On DVD Next Month
If you're not watching Marvel Animation's series, The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes on Disney XD, you should be! Luckily, you'll have a chance to catch up in April when the first 13 episodes become available on DVD, April 26th. Check [...]
Read moreTRON: UPRISING – New Animated TV Series to Feature Voices of Elijah Wood, Lance Henriksen, Bruce Boxleitner
Time to indoctrinate the youngsters of today with the sci-fi we grew up with! Before Tron: Legacy even hits theaters, an animated spin-off series is in the works at cable channel Disney XD. Tron: Uprising will take place between the [...]
Read moreAnimated ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN Catches A Director
The upcoming animated series based on the Brian Michael Bendis “Ultimate Spider-Man” comics has just scored a director. Animation director, Alex Soto (“Teen Titans”, “Ben 10”) has been signed on to direct the Disney XD series this fall. Nothing unexpected turned [...]
Read moreMarvel’s Ultimate Spider-Man To Become An Animated Series
Marvel Entertainment has announced a new animated series based on the Brian Michael Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man comics. The new animated series produced by Marvel, will debut on Disney XD in the Fall of 2011. Marvel also posted a teaser image [...]
Read moreTRON TV Series Brings The Sci-Fi Classic To Kids
Disney Channel has announced that their much rumored “Tron” computer animated series is in development and will bring the sci-fi classic to a new generation of viewers. The “Tron” series is aimed at children aged six to fourteen. While a [...]
Disney Channels Worldwide presented advertisers its 2010-11 programming highlights for Disney Channel and Disney XD. Gary Marsh, president of Entertainment, and chief creative officer for Disney Channels Worldwide, presented several new and returning Disney XD and Disney Channel projects including [...]
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