
SMALLVILLE Absolute Justice Spoiler: Stargirl Spills How Supes Is Introduced To The Justice Society

New scoop on the CW’s two-hour movie event “Smallville: Absolute Justice”, airing February 5, 2010.  This “Smallville” movie will center on Clark’s introduction to the Justice Society of America with guest stars Hawkman (Stargate’s Michael Shanks), Doctor Fate (Andromeda’s Brent Stait) and Stargirl (V’s Britt Irvin (pictured above right).

How exactly does Clark get this intro?  Irvin gives a spoilery hint:

“I can’t say too much about this, but there is a death that occurs at the beginning of the episode.  And that brings [the JSA] together with Clark and his team [team being the Justice League consisting of the Blur, Green Arrow, and friends].”

Of course, not everyone will gel immediately.  Irvin continues the spoilage and confirms what Justin Hartley said in another interview:

“Stargirl has a bit of friction with Green Arrow at the beginning, as does Hawkman.”

Ah, but there is a connection formed as well! Irvin talks about her character, Stargirl’s, relationship with Clark:

“She has a special connection with Clark because he reminds her a lot of her mentor.  What’s more, when the JSA gets wind (via Dr. Fate) of Clark’s destiny, Stargirl realizes “he’s very important for mankind.”

Has “Smallville” done the acrobatic Stargirl justice?  Irvin says yes and that she not only wields “a cosmic staff that shoots powerful energy,” but she also “does a lot of flipping in the air, so you definitely see her gymnastics talent come in to play.”

See the Geoff Johns penned movie event of “Smallville: Absolute Justice” on February 5, 2010.

Smallville” returns with new eps on the CW on January 22nd, Fridays 8/7C.

[Source] Fancast

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!