Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World- Movie Blog Diary And Video Game

scottpilgrim-coverScott Pilgrim vs. The World is a film adaptation of Brian Lee O’Malley’s graphic novel helmed by “Hot Fuzz” and “Shaun of the Dead” director, Edgar Wright.  The film stars Michael Cera (Arrested Development, Superbad) as Scott Pilgrim, Mary Elizabeth Winstead as the object of desire, and Brandon Routh (Superman) as one of the ex-boyfriends.

Scott Pilgrim must defeat the seven ex-boyfriends of the girl he loves in order to win her heart.  Sort of sounds like video game levels, right? Well it IS!

Leaked at San Diego Comic-Con 2009,  Ubisoft Montreal is developing a “Scott Pilgrim” game that will accompany the film’s release in 2010.  The game will follow the storyline of all six books in the series in a side-scroll environment.  More details to come as they become available.

A most interesting media vehicles for this production is the film’s video log that can be found on the “Scott Pilgrim” Vimeo site.  Here is the first video of the series that they have put up since filming began this year.

Blog Diary 1:

Blog One – Introduction – Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World from Scott Pilgrim The Movie on Vimeo.

[Source] MTV, MTV, Vimeo, IMDB

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!