
SciFi Mafia’s Fall 2012 Prime Time TV Schedule Now Includes HAVEN

Hey there, Mafiosi, we know we have been inundating you with fall TV news over the past two weeks. You’ll be happy to learn that we have, in fact, been keeping it all straight and are now giving you this little summary so that you can do the same.

Yesterday we got the news that beloved formerly-summer show Haven has been given a premiere date: September 21. They even gave us a lovely visual reminder:

Nice, right? Now we won’t forget.

To keep track of all the rest of the shows, though, we have this daily breakdown for you. If last year is any indication, we’ll won’t have the premiere dates settled until some time in August. We’ll continue to update the list as additional shows are announced, and as premiere dates are released. Ready?


8/7c Once Upon a Time (ABC)

10/9c 666 Park Avenue (ABC)


10/9c Revolution (NBC)


8/7c Arrow (The CW)

9/8c Supernatural (The CW); 9:30/8:30c The Neighbors (ABC)


8/7c The Big Bang Theory (CBS); 8/7c The Vampire Diaries (The CW)

9/8c Person of Interest (CBS); 9/8c Beauty and the Beast (The CW)


9/8c Grimm (NBC); 9/8c Fringe (Fox); 9/8c Nikita (The CW)

10/9c? Haven (Syfy) 9/21


9:00 Syfy Original Movies

Fridaymaggeddon continues on, unfortunately. We’re guessing that Haven will air in the 10/9c slot, as it has done in the past, which will pair very nicely with any of the three 9/8c shows that precede it on other networks.

We’re still waiting to hear about:

Doctor Who  – expected to be on Saturdays at 9/8c if BBC America keeps its Supernatural Saturdays slot, and maybe a late August premiere; showrunner Steven Moffat has said that he wants it to be an autumn premiere;

American Horror Story – Wednesdays again maybe? showrunner Ryan Murphy wants it to air in October to take advantage of the Halloween season, his favorite;

The Walking Dead – historically Sundays, and historically an October premiere; and

Sanctuary – sorry kids, still no word. Craig Engler, a senior executive at Syfy and the person who runs their Twitter account, would also like a decision to be made, as he’s seemingly pretty tired of being asked.

“Hey,” we can hear you saying, “what about Zero Hour (ABC) and Defiance (Syfy)?” Those were each listed as midseason/2013 shows, and we’ll let you know about day, time, and premiere dates for those and any other midseason shows  that may pop up, as we learn them.

In other words, as always, we’ll keep you posted!

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com