
SCIFI MAFIA CHRISTMAS LOOT: Day Seventeen – Heckle With The Best, RIFFTRAX Gift Set

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Day Seventeen of SciFi Mafia’s 21 Days of Christmas Loot brings laughs RiffTrax style with these choice DVD selections!

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Here’s the official description of SciFiMafia’s Rifftrax selections:

RiffTrax: Plan 9 From Outer Space – from the stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000! (1956)

rifftrax plan9 dvdIf you set out to create the worst movie you could imagine, what would be your second step (we’re presuming you’ve already hired Cuba Gooding, Jr. as the lead.) Maybe to cast a 300 pound Swedish wrestler as LA Police Chief? Make some flying saucers out of tinfoil and string? Perhaps see if a guy named Dudley Manlove could fill a supporting role? And you’d certainly want legendary director Ed Wood, Jr. involved, as writer, producer, director, or if possible, all three!

Well, Plan 9 From Outer Space has all of that and more! (Except for Cuba Gooding, Jr. Aside from not being born when it was made, he had already committed to “Daddy Day Camp.”) Plan 9 is a movie that exceeds all expectations, a difficult task for a flick frequently dubbed “The worst movie of all time.” Few films are more deserving of a hilarious mocking commentary, and fortunately, Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett of RiffTrax.com and Mystery Science Theater 3000 rose to the occasion.

Buy RiffTrax: Plan 9 From Outer Space here for $9.95.

RiffTrax: House on Haunted Hill – from the stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000! (1958)

rifftrax houseonhauntedhillIf an eccentric millionaire were to offer you a large sum of money to you spend a night in a haunted house, you might think to yourself, “How did I wind up in an episode of Scooby Doo? Or perhaps a Simpson’s Halloween special? Or any one of the countless other TV shows or movies that have employed this hackneyed plot device?”

But every cliche has its origins somewhere, and House on Haunted Hill may be the very first movie where a random assortment of guests are summoned to a haunted house. In this case, the haunted house just happens to reside in the Haunted Hill district of town, and it’s presided over by a ghoulish master of ceremonies played by Vincent Price. Murder, mayhem and clumsy romance ensue. Fortunately, three of the guests at this party are Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett of RiffTrax.com and Mystery Science Theater 3000 fame, on hand to heckle the House on Haunted Hill!

Buy RiffTrax: House on Haunted Hill for $9.95 here.

RiffTrax Shorts Volume 1 – from the stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000! (2008)

rifftrax shorts1Remember the instructional films your teachers used to show you whenever they wanted to sneak out for a smoke, or just nap in the back of the classroom? They’re back! Only this time, Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy, of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and RiffTrax.com are there to exact revenge with their signature brand of hilarious running commentary! We offer you 9 shorts about safety, hygiene, and the difficulties of relating to women.

Buy RiffTrax Shorts Volume 1 for $9.95 here.

RiffTrax Shorts Volume 2 – from the stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000! (2009)

rifftrax shorts2Remember the instructional films your teachers used to show you whenever they wanted to sneak out for a smoke, or just nap in the back of the classroom? They’re back! Only this time, Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy, of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and RiffTrax.com are there to exact revenge with their signature brand of hilarious running commentary!

Yes, from the authoritarian 40’s right up to the groovy, do-whatever-you-want 70’s, they were there, lecturing, hectoring and always, always insisting that you practice proper hygiene. Includes nine complete shorts, from the bizarre monkey themed safety film One Got Fat, the caffeinated Beat generation frenzy of Coffee House Rendezvous, and the brutal self assessment that comes with Are You Popular? Wheel in the A/V cart, close the shades, turn off the lights and laugh along with master riffers Mike, Kevin and Bill. It’s like spending the evening with your funniest friends!

Buy RiffTrax Shorts Volume 2 for $9.95 here.

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff