
SCIFI MAFIA CHRISTMAS LOOT: Day Fourteen – The Final Five Posters And Not The BSG Shirt That Selma Hayek Wore

21daysofSFMChristmas WIDE

So say we all!  Day Fourteen of SciFi Mafia’s 21 Days of Christmas Loot, celebrates Battlestar Galactica with a five-set of motivational posters and the quintessential “What The Frak?” tee!

Here’s the official description of these BSG goodies:

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Battlestar Galactica Propaganda Posters

Do Your Part For Humanity

The Cylons were created by man. They rebelled. They evolved. They look and feel human. Some are programmed to think they are human. There are many copies. And they have a plan.

Imagine that you spend, all day, every frackin’ day, in a metal tube hurtling pell-mell through outer space. You’re doing everything you can do to just carve out a meager existence. An intractable enemy continuously nipping at your heels – one that looks and acts exactly like you do… It’s a miracle you haven’t gone crazy.

President Laura Roslin and her administration realized that morale was low. She had to figure out a way to keep the ever dwindling human population not only motivated but enthusiastic about continuing the battle against the Cylons. Taking a cue from history, she employed a little bit of psychological warfare. These posters might be called “propaganda” and “felgercarb” by some with a distinct lack of vision, but she would call them “inspirational.” And what the hell is “felgercarb” anyway?!

A rolled set of 5 posters, 22″ by 17″ printed on heavy 100 pound satin-finish paper, each depicting a motivational phrase and inspirational graphic designed specifically to keep humans alive, wipe out toasters, and keeping our Vipers aloft.

So say we all.


  • Complete set of 5 motivational posters for one price
  • 22 inches by 17 inches
  • Printed on heavy 100 pound satin finish paper
  • Officially licensed by Universal, and approved by the Office of President Laura Roslin

Buy the Battlestar Galactica Propaganda Posters for $29.99 here.

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WTF Battlestar Galactica Tee

So, no, this is not the same tee that Selma Hayek wore on “30 Rock“, but it’s got the same spirit!

selma hayek 30rock

For When the Old-School Expletives Just Won’t Do

Meetings. They happen no matter what you do. Even in the future, they haven’t managed to find a cure for the common meeting. Take Battlestar Galactica, for instance. Adama meets with the Cylons on Galactica. The resistance has meetings to review escape plans. The Quorum of Twelve holds meetings to decide upon new laws for the colonies. Meetings, meetings, meetings. And they’re still unbearably long. And you’re sitting there, quietly, in the back thinking to yourself, “What did I do to deserve this?” [chug coffee, time passes] “Any idiot knows that plan will never work.” [doodle on notepad, time passes] “What the frak is that guy thinking?”

Wear this shirt and proudly ask “WTF?” without actually asking it. It’s perfect because nobody takes it personally if you’re wearing a Battlestar Galactica shirt to the meeting. But *you* know why you’re wearing it. And that’s all that matters.

Black, 100% cotton shirt with the new Battlestar Galactica crest printed in red and WTF superimposed in large white letters with the small subtitle “What the Frak?” in white underneath.

Buy the BSG WTF tee for $12.99 here (ON SALE! Original price from $17.99-$19.99).

Hot Tip from SciFiMafia:  Use Coupon code: “HOLLYDAZE” at ThinkGeek to get you $5 off purchases $25 and up or $10 off purchases $50 and up!

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff