SAW VII: The SAW Franchise Is All The Buzz At Lionsgate


There will be a “Saw 7,” says Lionsgate vice chairman Michael Burns. Burns was speaking at the Media and Money conference in New York on Thursday, where he put the accent on branded franchises as the key to competing effectively in the media space. That means making money over a long period and through many iterations of product, he told the audience.

Despite a disappointing performance by “Saw VI,” which Burns attributed to getting “buzz-sawed” at the box office by “Paranormal Activity,” he said it was full steam ahead on the seventh installment, which will be in 3D.

He said;

“As long as we make money on it we’ll keep doing this”

He pointed out that such franchises tend to have a long shelf life across different platforms. “Dirty Dancing,” he pointed out, still sells 2,000 DVDs a day for the company, and that’s after 20 years.

[Source] Hollywood Reporter

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff