
Save CAPRICA: Fans To Send SyFy A Message In Apples

Fans of the Battlestar Galactica prequel series, Caprica, have banned together to send the SyFy network a message. On November 15, 2010, the “Save Caprica” effort will show their support for the canceled show by showering SyFy’s EVP of Original Programming Mark Stern and NBC Universal’s chief executive Steve Burke in apples, a nod to the show’s first season poster featuring Alessandra Torresani (see above pic.)

A similar fan effort has proven effective in the past when fans flooded CBS with peanuts to save Jericho, starring Skeet Ulrich. Let’s hope that this fan effort will be able to get through to SyFy in a similar way. The “Save Caprica” effort is also supported by Caprica Times and Lil Cylons.

You can still donate to the cause today! The fan effort will be sending off their order for apples on Tuesday, so you can still make your money count for apples. A donation of just $5 could send you 7 apples towards the cause. Donate to “Save Caprica” here.

On Tuesday, fans are striving to get the #SaveCaprica hashtag to trend, sending this plea to coordinate individual efforts:


So far, fans have been able to trend #SaveCaprica in Canada last Tuesday. Come on, fans all over the world, show your love for Caprica and tweet with the #SaveCaprica hashtag!

Ironically, Caprica adorns the cover of SciFiNow #47 on newsstands now. This may be a collector’s item now.

The remaining five episodes of Caprica will air in early 2011.

Read more on my own lamentations over the cancelation of Caprica here.

[Source] EW, SaveCaprica

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!