Rodriguez’s PREDATORS Script SPOILER!

SPOILER ALERT! This is an advanced look at Robert Rodriguez produced and Nimrod Antal directed “Predators” reboot movie script.


The crew at Latino Review scored a sneak peek at the new “Predators” script dated July 12, 2009 and this is what they had to say about it:

“Prior to the credits the hero of the story, Royce, is introduced.  He’s chasing an adversary down on a rooftop.  The chase ends with Royce killing his opponent, the whole time being watched by a Predator.  The Predator then kidnaps him.  The credits roll, after which the film cuts to Royce free falling at 160mph towards the surface of the Predator homeworld.  After parachuting to safety, he soon encounters seven other humans who have all been dropped to the surface.  The Predator homeworld is like the jungle from the cretaceous period and it serves as a giant game preserve – where humans are the game.  All eight humans are then pack hunted by Predator dogs, Predator falcons and a giant Super Predator referred to as the ‘Black Super Predator’.  The Black Super Predator leads a hunting party of two other Super Predators.  The eight humans go on the run once they realize they are prey in a macabre game of cat and mouse.  At the midpoint of the film Royce and the remaining humans hook up with American soldier Nolan, another human who was dropped onto the world but who has managed to remain in hiding in a cave.  He tells them the Predators have been dropping humans into the game preserve for years.

Latino Review calls the script “awesome”, “a 90 page kick ass sci-fi action movie”, and “a bloody, violent hard-ass script reminiscent of the original.”

predators mysterycharacters

Who are the human characters in this reboot?  LR gives a break down:

Cuchillo – a Mexican enforcer from a drug cartel with twin oozies

Nikolai – a bear sized Russian armed with a 4 barreled gas powered rotary machine gun

Isabelle – a  tough as nails woman armed with a sniper rifle who speaks French

Stans  a – prisoner with a shaved head and scorpion tattoo, armed with a prison made knife

Mombasa  an African member of the Sierra Leone death squad

Hanzo – a bad ass Japanese Yakuza enforcer

Edwin – a small unassuming man, formerly one of the FBI’s most wanted.”

Latino Review also confirmed that there will indeed be a cameo from Arnold Schwarzenegger in this “Predators” reboot.

This script for “Predators” was originally crafted by Rodriguez as a sequel to “Predator” fifteen years ago and revised by writers Alex Litvak and Mike Finch.

Look for “Predators” to be out on July 7, 2010.

Check out our coverage of “Predators”:

Danny Trejo Cast in Rodriguez’s “Predators”

What Will the Predators Look Like in Rodriguez’s New Film?

‘Nimrod’ Helms “Predators”

Rodriguez To Reboot “Predator”

[Source] LatinoReview

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff