Robert Rodriguez Says SIN CITY 2 Is Not His Next Film

Robert Rodriguez (From Dusk Till Dawn, Sin City) recently told reporters that while Sin City 2 is still going to happen, it’s not next on his project list. Rodriguez did indicate that the script for Sin City 2 has been in existence since 2007, and that it will likely be the version that goes into production, with some consideration given to possible alterations.

Rodriguez said,

“We still talk about doing that as early/later next year, but I haven’t gotten into that yet, I know Frank [Miller] wants to do it I know I wanna do it and its always sort of time permitting kind of thing but its not like I can tell you definitely we’re starting…its not my next picture I know that. Doesn’t mean that its not the picture right after because that’s still a possibility.”

In regards to the current script – Rodriguez said,

“It’s the one that Frank wrote and we have to look at it now and go is this really the one?…I think its built up so much, like are we really going to satisfy everybody with what we have, should we add to it? It’s the thing we’ve always talked about but now two years later going on three we’d probably make some adjustments but nothing that would take a long time.”

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®