‘Reynolds’ To “Break The Great Wall” In ‘Deadpool’

The folks over at Empire caught up with Canadian star Ryan Reynolds at the London press event for his recent comedy The Proposal where he stars alongside Sandra Bullock and got a little update on his Deadpool project.


Deadpool, the quickly greenlit spinoff to this summer’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine is Ryan Reynolds’ dream project where he can finally make what he wished for leading up to his on-screen debut in character as Wade Wilson.

He’s already stated that we’ll be seeing the true and complete Deadpool costume from the comics and that the movie will be heavily based on how the character is portrayed in the books. Today, we can report that he’s gone another step forward and confirmed that he will in fact be breaking the fourth wall in the movie.

“Break the fourth wall? Oh yeah, he’s got to. I want to see him break the Great Wall.”

In the books, the mostly-insane Deadpool knows full well that he is a character in the comic book and he communicates directly to them throughout the stories in his infamous yellow dialogue boxes. The “fourth wall” terminology originates from old stage shows where it refers to the imaginary wall facing the audience.

Now we know for sure that in the movie, Reynolds will be talking to us who are watching in our theater seats.

How does he feel about making a film based on comics that has a hardcore fanbase to impress?

“I’m one of them. I’ve always been a fan, at least for the last eight or nine years. I feel a bit of validation because I knew going into Wolverine that there’s a huge fanbase for this and I don’t think anyone else did.”

“We’re just trying to get it right. There’s so many variables to play. It’s tough because when you have a character like Deadpool, to the greatest extent of your power, you want to bring as much authenticity to that character as possible. And by “authenticity,” I don’t mean that you’d want to make him somebody that you’d have a Starbucks coffee with, I mean that you want to make him as close to the comics as possible. And there’s nothing that I wouldn’t do to make sure that ends up on film, but sometimes things are out of your control, things that you can’t change. But I’m really happy, in these early talks, that the studio is as obsessed with making it as close to the comic book source material as possible. And that’s all I really needed to hear. Cuz I will husk-f*@k a herd of cattle to bring Wade Wilson to life as the real deal.”

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff