
Revel in All That is Excellent About GOTHAM in New Two-Minute Extended Trailer

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We were thrilled yesterday with the news that Fox has picked up Gotham for its fall lineup, and it was icing on the cake when Fox then released a great trailer for the show. But this newest, extended trailer is more than the sprinkles on top. It’s a full, delicious meal, though admittedly it does leave me hungry for more:

Trailer: Gotham – Official Extended

We haven’t even had summer yet, and I’m already ready for fall.

Gotham, starring Ben McKenzieDonal LogueRobin Lord TaylorZabryna GuevaraSean PertweeJada Pinkett SmithDavid MazouzCamren Bicondova and Erin Richards, premieres this fall on Fox.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com