Oops, France Has Been Destroyed. Luke Goss Talks ANNIHILATION EARTH

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Tonight, SyFy premieres an original movie, “Annihilation Earth”, as part of their day of world disaster movie marathon.  This time, Luke Goss’ character isn’t trying to take over the earth like he was as Prince Nuada in “Hellboy II: The Golden Army”.  Goss plays David Wyndham, a physicist “whose work may have resulted in the destruction of France and might very well lead to the end of Earth as we know it”.  He’s off to save the world this time!

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What’s different about this SyFy movie? Goss was impressed by the film’s screenplay:

“They sent me the screenplay and it was the ending that did it, really. That and a conversation with the director [Nick Lyon]. To be honest, I wanted to make sure this was a project we’d actually create, do right. I didn’t want it to be ‘Yeah, let’s phone this stuff in.’ The ending is what surprised me, because I thought everything would be all nice and tied up and that the character they asked me to play would be trying to be too heroic when he’s not. He’s a scientist. So I made sure not to hit the gym for this role, and I wanted things to be t-ts-up at the end, like it was written, without telling you exactly what happens, and they are. I didn’t think they do that on TV anymore. So there’s meaning to the story, and meaning to the ending.”

Goss has been busy lately with roles in the season premiere of “Fringe” this fall, indie film “Bone Dry”, and “Unearthed” as characters not under facial prosthetics, but you might recognize him more as the elf Prince in “Hellboy II”, Nomak in “Blade II”, or the creature in the 2004 TV mini-series “Frankenstein”.  Up next for Goss, is the film adaptation of “Tekken” , a film with Shane West called “El Dorado”, and co-starring in the film adaptation of Top Cow’s  comic book series “Magdalena”.

“Annihilation Earth” premieres tonight, Saturday at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

[Source] SciFiWire

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!