One Man Can Make A Difference In THE CAPE – Preview And Sneak Peek Clips

Even though “Heroes” has been canceled, superheroes have not abandoned the land of television. Coming up this fall, NBC has added a new show called, “The Cape” to its 2010-2011 line-up. This one-hour drama is set in a fictional Los Angeles and follows a former cop who after being framed for a crime becomes a masked superhero called the Cape, fighting to clear his name and reunite with his son. “The Cape” will make a midseason premiere.

The Cape” stars David Lyons (“ER”), Summer Glau (“Terminator: TSCC”, “Serenity”), Jennifer Ferrin (“Life on Mars”), Ryan Wynott (Dylan Simcoe from “FlashForward”), and James Frain (“Tron Legacy”, “True Blood”). The show is described as “a light drama with a comic book sensibility”.

Check out the preview trailer and clips from the show:

NBC’s Preview of “The Cape”

Clip: Bedtime Story

Clip: A Mistake

Clip: Is It Possible?

What do you think? Can this fill the hole that was “Heroes”?

[Source] EW

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!