Once Upon a Time Bringing Two More Heroes to Storybrooke

Looks like we’ll be seeing two new-to-us fictional characters in Storybrooke when the new season starts on September 30. One is familiar from a Disney animated movie, like, well, every single other character in Storybrooke except for Emma and Henry. But the other new character? Not so much.

First up, as reported by EW, we have Prince Phillip, the prince who’s seeking to awaken Sleeping Beauty (Sarah Bolger). He’s described as a man who’s traveled from a kingdom that’s in decline. A young, skilled warrior and selfless hero who’s the veteran of many tough journeys, he’ll be played by Julian Morris (Pretty Little Liars, 24).

That works, we remember the movie, we remember the attractively-drawn prince. But the second character is a bit of a head-scratcher. Sir Lancelot. No, he was not in Sword in the Stone. But we don’t mind, we like the whole Round Table thing. According to TVLine, he’ll be played  by the full-of-presence and therefore appropriately knightly Sinqua Walls (Teen Wolf). Only one episode, as a “sword for hire with nothing to lose,” but here’s hoping they don’t kill him off and we’ll get to see him for additional episodes.

Once Upon a Time, starring Jennifer Morrison, Ginnifer Goodwin, Josh Dallas, Lana Parrilla, and Jared Gilmore, premieres on Sunday, September 30 at 8/7c on ABC.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com