NYC Is Melting Pot For Humans, Vampires, And Zombies In Animated Series UGLY AMERICANS

A new animated series on Comedy Central flits onto the horror-comedy genre with “Ugly Americans”. Imagine life as being normal… with the integration of such supernatural creatures as vampires, werewolves, fairies, and demons into American society. New York City is already a melting pot of different cultures; these just add that variety of different flavors to the mix. Explore this new series when it makes its debut on March 17th at 10:30pm ET.

Ugly Americans”, developed by David M. Stern (“The Simpsons”) and created by Devin Clark, follows Mark Lilly, “a social worker at the ‘Department of Integration,’ as he helps new citizens, both human and ‘other,’ adapt to hectic life in New York City”. The voice-talent on the show includes Natasha Leggero, Kurt Metzger, Larry Murphy, Matt Oberg, Randy Pearlstein, and Michael-Leon Wooley. Take a look at these excerpts of the official press release for the show.

Don’t miss the preview and clips from the show at the bottom of this article!

Excerpts of Official Press Release for “Ugly Americans”:

NEW YORK, Feb. 22 — Take the Big Apple, add every horrifying beast, science-fiction freak and fantasy faerie, shake thoroughly and you’ve got “Ugly Americans,” a new animated horror-comedy series premiering on COMEDY CENTRAL on March 17 at 10:30 p.m.

The series follows Mark Lilly (voiced by Matt Oberg), a social worker at the “Department of Integration,” as he helps new citizens, both human and “other,” adapt to hectic life in New York City. There are easier tasks than weaning vampires off blood, socializing land-whales and housebreaking werewolves, but Mark is up to the challenge. Between his stressful job, a zombie roommate and a demon girlfriend, Mark’s lucky if he can sneak in a few minutes of sleep. But who can sleep when there’s a drop-dead gorgeous mermaid sitting at the bar?

In addition to Mark Lilly, the “Ugly Americans” cast features Randall Skeffington, Mark’s zombie roommate (voiced by Kurt Metzger), Callie Maggotbone, Mark’s demon boss and office fling (voiced by Natasha Leggero), Leonard Powers, an aging drunken wizard (voiced by Randy Pearlstein), Twayne, a terrorizing demonic bureaucrat (voiced by Michael-Leon Wooley) and Lt. Grimes (voiced by Larry Murphy), a law-enforcement officer who despises non-humans. Additional characters are voiced by Mike Britt, Devin Clark, Pete Holmes and Julie Klausner.

The debut episode introduces lead character and “Department of Integration” (D.O.I.) agent Mark Lilly dealing with aggressive sexual advances from his demon boss Callie, while trying to do his work finding jobs for the city’s newest citizens. Lilly is also developing a reluctant friendship with his zombie roommate Randall, who he found on Craig’s List, as well as battling rival Grimes and his thug squad, who are apprehending “illegals” to fill a quota. Future episodes feature Mark counseling a young woman who wants to become a vampire and Callie going baby-crazy after Mark starts fostering a demon orphan.

Sneak Peek: Ugly Americans

Ugly Americans Mar 17, 10:30pm / 9:30c
Sneak Peek

Clip: Ugly Americans – Group Therapy

Ugly Americans Mar 17, 10:30pm / 9:30c
Preview – Group Therapy

Clip: Ugly Americans – The Demon Chick

Ugly Americans Mar 17, 10:30pm / 9:30c
Preview – The Demon Chick

So, what do you think? The animation style isn’t my usual fare, but the story and dialogue is really the draw here.

[Source] Comedy Central

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!