
New Featurette and TV Spot from THE WALKING DEAD Make Waiting a Little Easier


We won’t be getting any new The Walking Dead on AMC until February 10, but AMC has heard our cries and has offered up this featurette and TV spot to ease our pain. Nothing like death, destruction, and decay to help us through the holiday season.

In the featurette, the cast explores how the events of the first half of the season have affected their characters and what fans can expect from the second half. And as a bonus, it’s fun to listen to the three Brits not using their American accents. And check out all the new sneak peeks in the TV spot!

Featurette: The Walking Dead – The Cast Looks Ahead

TV Spot: The Walking Dead – Season 3 Returns February 2013

The Walking Dead, starring Andrew LincolnNorman ReedusMichael RookerLaurie HoldenSteven YeunLauren CohanMelissa McBrideIron-E SingletonChandler RiggsDanai Gurira, and David Morrissey, returns February 10, 2013 at 9/8c on AMC.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com