
New Extended STAR WARS REBELS Trailer Reveals Much More, Including the Premiere Month

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We know that there will be a Star Wars Rebels panel at Comic-Con later this week, so it’s especially nice that they’re not making us wait until then to see this excellent expanded trailer. It includes pretty much all of the previous trailer but adds around a minute of new, excellent material.

If you’re attending Comic-Con, check out the Star Wars Rebels panel on Thursday from 6-7pm in Room 6BCF, where you’re likely to see even more.

The Jedi have been wiped out and the Empire spreads tyranny through the galaxy. Hope runs thin. But on the small planet of Lothal a big change is looming. A group of rebels meet a 14-year-old con artist named Ezra and soon it’s clear their destinies are linked. Aboard their ship, the Ghost, Ezra and the rebels embark on an adventure to ignite a rebellion and strike back against the Empire.

Trailer: Star Wars Rebels – Extended Trailer 2

Ahhh, “a new hope” and Wookiees and a familiar name and some very familiar music. Yes, please. In October? Argh. But okay, that isn’t too far away. And in case you missed that last little bit, which was from a featurette we posted earlier, the Inquisitor is not a Sith. Stay in the know with SciFiMafia.com.

Star Wars Rebels, featuring the voices of Freddie Prinze, Jr., Vanessa Marshall, Steve Blum, Tiya Sircar, and Taylor Gray, premieres in October on Disney XD.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com