Neil Gaiman Pens DOCTOR WHO Episode

Just confirmed on British magazine SFX, award-winning author Neil Gaiman has indeed written an episode for the BBC’s “Doctor Who”. This episode is one for the second season of the eleventh Doctor. Gaiman has addressed this in his acceptance speech he sent SFX for winning Best Comic at the SFX Awards. Here’s what he sent them:

“Over the years SFX, and its readers and their votes in the polls, have always been very kind to me. I thought I’d return the favour with what used to be called, in journalistic circles when I was a boy, a scoop.

As anyone who’s read my blog knows, I’m a big fan of a certain long-running British SF TV series. One that started watching — from behind the sofa — when I was three. And while I know it’s cruel to make you wait for things, in about 14 months from now, which is to say, NOT in the upcoming season but early in the one after that, it’s quite possible that I might have written an episode. And if I had, it would originally have been called “The House of Nothing”. But it definitely isn’t called that any more. Countdown. You’ve got about 14 months.”

Here’s the full pic of Neil Gaiman from above:

[Source] SFX

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!