NBC Picks Up Carlton Cuse Pilot THE SIXTH GUN

The Sixth Gun wide

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to pilot pickup and casting season. We will be sifting through all the unimportant related announcements to bring you only the best news, that of Our Kind of Shows. First up for you today we have a familiar face, that of our beloved Carlton Cuse.

You may recall that Mr. Cuse, one of the showrunners of Lost, is bringing a Psycho prequel to the small screen in the form of Bates Motel, and is also working on a pilot with Guillermo del Toro for FX, The Strain.

Now we are happy to announce that Mr. Cuse has been working on another project, this one based on a graphic novel: Oni Press‘s The Sixth Gun. Here is their synopsis:

During the darkest days of the Civil War, wicked cutthroats came into possession of six pistols of otherworldly power. In time, the Sixth Gun, the most dangerous of the weapons, vanished. When the gun surfaces in the hands of an innocent girl, dark forces reawaken. Vile men thought long dead set their sights on retrieving the gun and killing the girl. Only Drake Sinclair, a gunfighter with a shadowy past, stands in their way.

The Sixth Gun comic cover

Deadline broke the news of NBC‘s pickup of the pilot. Feature writer Ryan Condal wrote the script and will executive produce with Cuse as well as Eric Gitter and Andy Bourne of Oni Press’s sister company, film/TV producer Closed on Mondays Entertainment.

We’ll keep you posted!

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com