
NASA Is Building A TIE FIGHTER – It’s A Trap!

Astronauts have managed to move the International Space Station’s so-called “room with a view” into position. NASA officials say the astronauts had to grapple with a series of challenges to get the job done. The Tranquility module is the last major component to be added to the International Space Station. Attached to Tranquility is a cupola with six windows around its sides and another in the center. NASA says this “room with a view” will provide panoramic scenes of Earth and objects in space.

Notice anything about that viewing window?

Well, check out the picture below… that’s the windshield on an Imperial TIE Fighter, the Twin Ion Engine starfighter that the Imperial Navy fancies!

Not enough proof for you? Ok, how about this side by side view comparing the two crafts?

We should have listened to Admiral Ackbar…..

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®