My Name Is Russell ‘Torchwood’ Davies!

torchwood-magazineTorchwood Magazine #17 packs a wallop of a 10 page, feature interview with Russell T. Davies, creator of Torchwood.  This issue of Torchwood Magazine went on sale on August 20th in the UK and will arrive in the US and Canada on September 15th.  Read on for excerpts from that interview:

Russell on… Children Of Earth

“The idea of children stopping and saying, ‘We are coming’ had been with me for a very long time. Back in 1992 or 1993, I’d come up with something that had a lot of the same elements, but it never went anywhere. It was called The Landlords, because the alien race appeared as if they had always owned the Earth. What happens in episode five of Torchwood is another separate drama that I’d always had in my head as a possible six-parter, but as Children Of Earth started to develop, I thought, there’s no point in just sitting on that idea – that’s a great ending to this Torchwood story!”

Russell on… Ianto

“It’s not as if we said, ‘Let’s kill Ianto! That will be fun!’ I think Ianto’s wonderful, and I think Gareth is wonderful, but if they all came out of Children Of Earth unscathed, it would just be so unlikely. Jack needed to be bitter and lost, and I think he needed Ianto’s death to allow him to take that action in episode five.”

Russell on… the future of Torchwood

“I could write you scene one of series four right now. I’ve got vague stories, and I know where you’d find Gwen and Rhys, and their baby, and Jack, and I know how you’d go forward with a new form of Torchwood.”

Russell on… going to America

“It will literally be like starting from scratch. Nobody knows who I am out there, and it’s a great chance for me to learn from them. The attitudes towards drama there are very different, and their outlook is more professional. Frank Cottrell Boyce once said that British writers are essentially amateur and they want to go home or go to the pub, but in America they can’t wait to go in to the office.”

Russell on… having his middle initial as the Torchwood logo

“Ha! That honeycomb logo was designed for Doctor Who first of all, and it had never occurred to me until now that it’s my middle initial! Now you’ve pointed it out, I’m horrified people will think it’s a huge ego trip! I don’t even think of that ‘T’ as part of my name. I never use it. When I introduce myself to people, I’m Russell Davies – the ‘T’ is just on screen. So that’s horrific – my name is Russell Torchwood Davies!”

[Source] Torchwood on Facebook

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!