MUST WATCH: Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary Episode in LEGOs

Doctor Who 50th Legos wide

For years, whenever I was asked which Doctor Who episode was my favorite, I’d reply without question that it was “Blink.” That is, until last November, when the 50th Anniversary episode aired. It owns my Whovian heart. So when our Managing Editor (and even bigger Whovian than me) Jess Orso sent me the link for the LEGO version of the episode, we both agreed it needed to be posted here.

Thanks so much and BRAVO to Bookshelf Productions:

Scenes from the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary recreated through Lego stop-motion.
Vote for Doctor Who Legos on Lego Ideas –

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Lego Tribute

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for