
Morgan Freeman Lovers Check Out the New TV Spot for THROUGH THE WORMHOLE

Through the Wormhole WIDE

I’m sorry for those few poor people who do not adore Morgan Freeman. The people who write the TV spots for the series he hosts on the Science Channel, Through the Wormhole, definitely get him, and our love for him. As you can see here:

TV Spot: Through the Wormhole

And just in case you’re a really major fan of Morgan Freeman and haven’t seen this little bit of YouTube entertainment, here are the “True Facts” about Morgan Freeman by zefrank1, from his “True Facts” series (courtesy note: these are not actually true or facts, and some of you may find a few things not-for-the-kids):

True Facts About Morgan Freeman

It explains so much. For more explanations, this time of real actual things, make sure to check out Through the Wormhole when it returns next week.

Through the Wormhole, hosted by Morgan Freeman, premieres June 5 at 10/9c on the Science Channel.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com