
More Visitors From DC Comics Heading To ‘Smallville’

As Clark Kent grows ever closer to becoming Superman, he will encounter more and more familiar visitors from the pages of DC Comics. We’ve already told you about Zod, Metallo, The Wonder Twins and Green Arrow’s sidekick, Speedy joining Smallville for Season 9.


Along side Major Zod, will be his Kryptonian cronies Faora and Basqat, as well as Toyman, Roulette, and the Justice Society of America and we’ve already told you about Green Arrow’s sidekick, Speedy!

While we already told you about the Wonder Twins Zan and Jayna, what we didn’t know then is that they’ll debut in Episode 8 and though they won’t have pointy ears, they’ll be wearing purple and will “activate” into an ice sheet and a cougar. There will even be a glimpse of their blue monkey, Gleek.

Also, while we had some hints that we’d be seeing the JSA in Season 9, it has now been confirmed that this winter, the Justice Society of America, whose members include Hawkman, Spectre, Doctor Fate and the Atom, come out of retirement to give “the screwed-up guys of the next generation a needed smack down,” says comic book author Geoff Johns, who wrote last season’s Legion of Superheroes episode and is also penning a big-screen Flash feature film for Warner Bros. “They’re the Mystery heroes who started it all-like the Watchmen.”

According to DC Comics lore, the JSA is a World War II-era team of aging superheroes who exist in an alternate reality universe known as ‘Earth Two.’ Popular members include Hawkman, Spectre, Hourman, Doctor Fate and the Atom, along with alternate grey-haired versions of Superman and Batman. Johns won’t say which members he’s writing in to the mid-season episode (it’ll be based on legal clearances), except to say they’ll be in their 40’s and mainstays Jay Garrick (the original Flash) and Alan Scott (the original Green Lantern) will not be included. “It’s going to be about them coming out of retirement to give these screwed up guys of the next generation a needed smack-down.”


And remember old Perry White, last seen as an alcoholic tabloid reporter in season three (played by Michael McKean)? Peterson says ‘The Chief’ may finally be “working his way to the Daily Planet.”

[Source] TV Guide

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff