MARVEL Previews SIEGE #1


Marvel Comics has previewed pages from its forthcoming status quo-altering miniseries Siege. The six pages from Siege #1 show Volstagg – an Asgardian ally of the Norse god Thor – as he is lured by Norman Osborn and Loki into a debacle which will justify Osborn declaring war on Thor’s home, Asgard. Siege was written by Brian Michael Bendis (Dark Avengers, Secret Invasion) and illustrated by Olivier Coipel (Thor) – will mark the end of Marvel’s ‘Dark Reign’ storyline, and promises to reunite founding Avengers Thor, Captain America and Iron Man.

“This is the end of the Marvel Universe as you know, but what’s the price of victory?” said Marvel. “The comic book event seven years in the making begins here as every major Marvel character gets involved in the greatest assembly of heroes and villains you’ve ever seen.”

Siege #1 will be released on January 6, 2010

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®