Joss Whedon Honored By Producers Guild Of America

Joss Whedon streamy awards WIDE

Joss Whedon will be honored with the 2010 Vanguard Award by The Producers Guild of America at the 21st annual PGA Awards on January 24, 2010. The Vanguard Award is given in recognition of achievements in new media and technology.  Whedon is best known for his television work as the creative mojo behind “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, “Angel”, “Firefly”, and most recently, “Dollhouse”.  His movie work includes “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, “Toy Story”, “Atlantis: The Lost Empire”, “Alien: Resurrection”, “Titan A.E.”, his upcoming “Cabin in the Woods”, and of course, “Serenity”.  Whedon’s “Dr. Horrible Sing-Along Blog” web musical broke new ground in new media.

David Friendly and Laurence Mark, co-chairs of the PGA Awards speak highly of Whedon:

“Joss Whedon has mastered the art of melding the newest technology with inspired storytelling, truly exemplifying the spirit of the Vanguard Award.”

Whedon joins the ranks of other Vanguard Award recipients which include George Lucas, James Cameron, and John Lasseter.

Whedon’s reaction to the honor is, as always, humorous:

“This is an honor I didn’t expect and probably don’t deserve. The truth is, I’ve never actually guarded a van. But I am a super-total visionary, so that fits. I’m ready to take my place next to the guys who made ‘THX 1138’ and ‘Tin Toy’ (Did they ever do anything else, btw? They showed such promise.). This is a time of radical change in media delivery and content, and I’m honestly proud the PGA has singled me out as someone who sort of knows what’s going on.”

Whedon’s “Dr. Horrible” has also won a Streamy Award for web television and an Emmy for Outstanding Special Class – Short-format Live-Action Entertainment Programs this year.

Check out our coverage on Joss Whedon:

Joss Whedon Gives A Glimpse Into The Final Season Of DOLLHOUSE

Joss Whedon Makes A Bid For The TERMINATOR Franchise

DR. HORRIBLE Wins Emmy For Joss Whedon

[Source] THR

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!