Joss Whedon And Eliza Dushku Team Up Again For A Feature Film

For those of us still mourning the loss of “Dollhouse”, never fear, for nothing can stop the creative force of a Whedon/ Dushku team up! Great news has come down the grapevine- Joss Whedon and Eliza Dushku will be teaming up again for a future project! Dushku is excited about partnering up with Whedon again:

“I would say that we would [be working on something new very soon]! I think we’re going to work on a kickass feature together that we’ve been thinking about for a few years.”

Dushku did not name which project that would be, but speculation is that it could be the long-talked about horror movie of Whedon’s, “Goners”. Whedon summarizes “Goners” as such:

“It is a fantasy thriller, it is pretty dark and it’s all me. So people will pretty much know what that means if they look at my body of work. But it’s a new universe set in the present day with a new concept for me and a new bunch of characters. It’s been a long time since I got to do that, so that’s really fun.”

“It’s the story of a young woman’s journey that involves a great deal of horror and some heroics.”

“More in the Buffy-mode of discovering strength than in the sense of, “I’ve had strength for so long that I’m losing my sense of people who don’t.”

Dushku has also been rumored to be cast in a possible “Ghostbusters 3”. Dan Ackroyd is playing around with the idea of rebooting the franchise with Dushku in mind as one of the new Ghostbusters. Dushku is also eager to hear where this project is going:

“I don’t know anything, I don’t have a script – it’s still a rumor thing right now. But I would be excited to do it! Dan is a friend since I was a young, and I love [original star Sigourney Weaver] and would love to zip on a proton pack!”

[Source] SlashFilm, HollywoodLife

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!