IRON MAN 2: Favreau Talks About The Extensive Material They Have For The DVD

At the Iron Man 2 press conference this past weekend, Jon Favreau talked about the DVD and Bluray release of Iron Man 2 and the mountain of extras that Iron Man fans and film fans in general can expect to see.

Favreau said,

Well we have, there are a lot of featurettes. We were running cameras behind the scenes all the time. We don’t like to really like to show too much of it before the movie comes out to keep some surprises, but everything was very well documented.

And as you can see, we have a very interesting group of people. And so, between the interviews, you get s really good sense, we’re fans of these movies. Kevin and I are always swapping back and forth books and things about the movies that we grew up loving.

And so we documented very well so there is going to be pretty extensive featurettes and then commentary this time around and also deleted scenes that we thought would be interesting for people to see. So it’s more a movie fan set of extras, people who really want to immerse themselves.

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Speaking with MTV, Favreau also said that the amount of alternate scenes and extra footage that will likely make it to the DVD/Blu-ray clocks in at around 30 minutes.

“I think it’s about a half an hour of that stuff, You change things… There’s a lot of latitude in post-production on this kind of movie.”

IRON MAN 2 hits theaters on May 7th. Don’t get sold out! Buy advance tickets to Iron Man 2!

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®