Iron Man 1 & 2 Heading To Theaters In 3-D?

050109_ironman21and…. here we go!

Jon Favreau expressed interest in 3-D after he saw footage of James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’ and apparently he (as well as most of Hollywood) are jumping at the chance to hop aboard the 3-D bandwagon.

Harry over at AICN has published a scoop claiming:

“I can state that the following is absolutely true”) that Marvel is looking at converting Jon Favreau’s Iron Man 2 into 3D. On top of that, they’re considering converting Iron Man 1 to 3D and re-releasing it a bit earlier”.

Right now, there is a 1 minute demo of IRON MAN 2 converted to high quality digital 3D. I’m told this one minute is totally like Kim Basinger & Mickey Rourke in 9 1/2 WEEKS. HOT! Crazy Hot! Right now the Suits at Marvel & Paramount & now also Disney are considering this 1 minute.

At the same time that this is happening, they are fishing for bids with 3 different companies to see what the cost and time it would take to convert IRON MAN 2 to a complete 3D film. This same process is being done to Tim Burton’s ALICE IN WONDERLAND.


While I’m not really impressed with the quality of 2-D to 3-D conversions and I frankly agree (eeek) with Michael Bay that 3-D is just a gimmick (at this point), I have to admit that seeing Iron Man soaring through the sky in 3-D would be pretty kick ass. I am definitely excited about the possibility of getting to see the first Iron Man film in theaters just before the sequel hits but whether it’s in 2-D or 3-D really doesn’t matter to me.

Though, the idea of seeing Gwenyth Paltrow, Scarlett Johannson and Olivia Munn in 3-D is kind of appealing.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®