IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Recap of Warehouse 13 (Sn 1, Ep 4)

Warehouse 13 “Claudia” (Season 1, Episode 4)

Original airdate: July 28, 2009


The person hacking into the Warehouse turns out to be Claudia Donovan, a girl from Artie’s past who had lost her brother in an artifact-centered teleportation experiment that had gone horribly wrong.  Claudia holds Artie responsible for what happened to Joshua and needs his help to bring him back from whatever in-between state he is trapped in and kidnaps him to make him help her.

Points to Know:

  • w13-claudiajoshuaThe flashes Artie had beginning two episodes ago are caused by his being in the same room as the accident involving Joshua and Claudia and that Claudia managed to open a door to where her brother is trapped.  The electrical disturbances and hacking into the computer system was Claudia trying to track Artie down.  Claudia has recreated her brother’s experiment to bring him back.
  • The artifact involved is Eradicus’ compass and there was a secret rule in a hidden compartment that prevented Joshua from teleporting successfully. Artie finds the compartment and the instructions and brings Joshua back.
  • Claudia now knows too much about the warehouse. What is to become of her now?


  • Pete and Myka are actually getting on my nerves now.  They are gratingly annoying in this sibling dynamic they have going.
  • The actress playing Claudia does a great job. I would say that she stole the show from Pete and Myka.  I still haven’t figured out why Claudia was so physically affected by the visions and Joshua trying to come back.
  • What is Mrs. Fredricks? How can she appear in these flashes that Artie sees?

Catch all new eps on the Syfy channel:

Warehouse 13 on Tuesday nights 9/8 C

Watch full eps of these shows on Syfy’s Rewind.

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!