IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Recap of Warehouse 13 (Sn 1, Ep 10)

Warehouse 13 “Breakdown” #110 (Season 1, Episode 10)

Original airdate: September 8, 2009


w13 breakdown regents2Claudia’s mishap with the zip line in the Warehouse disturbs many artifacts as it broke.  Pete and Myka try to find Claudia and get to the malfunctioning Neutralizer Processing Center through an artifact obstacle course.  Meanwhile, Artie gets cornered by a meeting with Mrs. Fredericks and the higher authorities of the Warehouse, a group called the Regents who question Artie future at the Warehouse.

Points to Know:

  • The fallen rip line unleashes a multiplying dodgeball from hell/ Baylor and stops up the Neutralizer Processing Center with super sticky silly string.  Without neutralizer being pumped through the warehouse, the artifacts begin to act up and eventually, could cause the Warehouse to explode.
  • w13 breakdown marksheppardMark Sheppard guest stars as Mr. Valda, presumably the head of the Regents. He questions Artie about his involving Dickinson, Pete & Myka’s former boss in the Secret Service, endangering Claudia’s life in bringing her brother Joshua back from another dimension, and breaking protocol when he feels like it.  Essentially, they are afraid that Artie will become like MacPhereson who the Regents seem to fear.
  • Artie calls the Regents on their fear of MacPhereson and makes a stand on his approach to his work.  Mrs. Fredericks vouches for Artie as the best Agent the Warehouse has ever had and the Regents agree to have Artie stay & hunt MacPhereson.
  • Pete and Myka find Leena’s B&B inside the warehouse in whole.  A perfect copy that you cannot escape from.  Pete experiences a Pac-Man effect as he goes out the front door to emerge from another interior door of the house.  The only difference is a mysterious painting of the living room that they discover is also the key to their way out.
  • w13 breakdown sillystring1Pete, Myka, and Claudia take a short cut through the Dark Vault of the most dangerous artifacts to get to the Neutralizer Processing Center, but Pete gets caught in the influence of Sylvia Plath’s typewriter than sucks the life out of him.  Myka saves Pete from the typewriter’s pull, but in the Processing Center both Myka and Claudia get caught up in the super sticky silly string in the gears of the machine.  Pete’s improv of using the freezing snowglobe on the string frees them, restores the machine to pumping out Neutralizer, and saves the Warehouse from total destruction with less than a minute to spare.


  • Come on, now Syfy, the sibling interaction between Pete and Myka can’t possibly be this annoying on purpose, could it?  Can’t it be less annoying and more playful in execution?  Instead of working on Pete and Myka, this ep progresses Claudia and Myka’s friendship which I suppose is something.  The show as a whole is sorta growing on me despite my protests of how much I don’t like Pete and Myka.  It’s sorta like an artifact in itself in that way.  The show is interesting enough to keep watching, but they have GOT to do something about their leads.  The supporting acting is currently holding up the show!
  • At one point where Mr. Valda mocks Artie by suggesting that the Regents were a lot of hooded figures, I immediately flash back to the Final Five.  With Mark Sheppard’s character questioning Artie like a lawyer brings back even more Battlestar associations.  I’m sure that was on purpose so bravo, writers for linking that mental imagery with this show.  (Am I being sarcastic? :winks:)
  • Did anyone else catch that the Regent members were all wearing the same pin?  (more on this point in a separate article)
  • I do like Claudia’s misuse of artifacts.  That freezing snow globe rocks!  And it managed to save everyone’s ass at the end.
  • Let this ep be a lesson to anyone trying to make self-vacuuming vacuums.  They are out to kill us!

Check out the preview of this week’s ep of “Warehouse 13” Michael Hogan (Saul Tigh of Battlestar Galactica guest stars):

Extra special goodie- an Q&A with Michael Hogan on his character in tonight’s ep. (For some reason, SyFy’s embed button doesn’t yield code today.)

Catch all new eps on the Syfy channel:

Watch “Warehouse 13” on Tuesday nights 9/8 C

Watch full eps on Syfy’s Rewind.

Click on eps labeled “Enhanced” for a Commentary track.

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!