Happy Thanksgiving From SciFi Mafia

This Thanksgiving, each and every one of us in the SciFi Mafia family wish you and your loved ones a cornucopia of everything for which you have a passion. To celebrate, we’re serving up an extra helping of these holiday classics. First a little something from Captain Kirk himself, William Shatner


Followed by the highly dysfunctional Star Wars family…

And finally, our two simple words…

Thank You!

We appreciate each and every one of you, more than you probably realize. Every time you share a link with a friend, like an article on Facebook, re-tweet an article on Twitter, or take the time to click an advertisement on the site to help keep us up and running, we notice and could not be more grateful for your support.

Have a great weekend folks! We’ll be spending time with our families (and maybe working on a few interviews and book reviews for you to keep an eye out for), but we’ll be back in full-swing on Monday the 26th!

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com